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OASIS E1: Integrating Data Collection in Patient Care



The OASIS E1 Training Series is an on-demand, web-based program for individuals and agencies. Who NEEDS OASIS E1 Training? Many organizations focus on making “experts” of their reviewers but feel it is too expensive to train the clinicians - but what is the ultimate cost when so much time is spent going over and over the same errors on a daily basis? The best way to reduce the burdensome costs associated with the OASIS review process is to empower the data collectors with clear, consistent, and accurate information. RCTCLEARN's OASIS E1 Training Series is meant to get straight to the heart of efficient and effective OASIS data collection by focusing on the nurses and therapists. Provided they understand the unique language of OASIS, the people directly interacting with the patient are the most qualified to choose the correct responses - the first time.

  • Eight online self-paced modules available 24/7
  • 7.75 professional contact hours
  • Final Quiz with required score of 80% or above for successful completion of each module.
  • Certificate of Completion awarded for each module
  • Unlimited access to all modules for a year

Integrating Data Collection into Patient Care

Package Options

Individual Packages

All 8 Modules$499Unlimited access to all courses for 6 months; toll free help desk; My CEU ToolOrder Now

Agency Packages

10 or less User IDs$949Unlimited access per ID to all courses for 1 year; toll free help desk; My CEU Tracking ToolOrder Now
50 or less User IDs$1499Unlimited access per ID to all courses for 1 year; toll free help desk; My CEU Tracking ToolOrder Now
200 or less User IDs$1899Unlimited access per ID to all courses for 1 year; toll free help desk; My CEU Tracking ToolOrder Now
Unlimited User IDs$2199Unlimited access per ID to all courses for 1 year; toll free help desk; My CEU Tracking ToolOrder Now